Ready or Not…Here We Go

March 31, 2020

At the beginning of the year my district introduced our theme, “The Time is Now, the Person is You”. This powerful statement has inspired me as the year has progressed. At no time during the year has this theme been more important than it is now. When the year began, we would never have imagined that when we left for spring break we would not be going back to our schools until…we don’t know yet. The pandemic has made us change how we deliver instruction in a matter of two or three weeks and teachers are on the front line on making this change happen.

In June, the members of the Apple/Lamar Coding Initiative from my district formed a team we call Code Squad. This team has worked all year to increase coding and digital learning opportunities for the students. Throughout the year, members of the team have also posed questions/problems to the group and we have worked together to come up with solutions. This practice has helped build knowledge and reduced frustration.

The camaraderie formed within the group this year has been invaluable during the swift transition to distance learning that all teachers have had to make. This team has been playing a major role in getting our teachers prepared to teach digitally. Team members have been holding trainings, creating how-to-videos and other training materials, holding online meetings and troubleshooting for teachers, students and parents. As we continue this path into distance learning for all teachers, the Code Squad team will continue to be called on to be leaders and support. The time is now and the person is each one of us.

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